Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Lecture in Spaceflight

"Persyaratan Penguasaan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi Canggih 
Pertama, kualitas produk hasil proses nilai tambah tersebut harus senantiasa memenuhi persyaratan minimum kualitas yang dituntut masyarakat pembeli di pasar dalam negeri, regional, dan internasional. 
Kedua, dari komoditi teknologi canggih dituntut jadwal penyerahan yang ketat. Produk harus tiba di pasar pada waktunya, tidak terlambat, tidak pula terlalu cepat. Untuk itu, mata rantai perdagangan tidak boleh terlalu panjang.
Ketiga, harganya harus kompetitif. Produk yang dihasilkan harus dapat bersaing di pasar domestik, regional dan internasional."
~Prof. Dr. H. Habibie~ 


Dr. Robert G. Melton
229B Hammond Bldg.
Office Hours:
2:00-4:00 T,Th
(or by appt.)
Teaching Assistant:

Peter Hammond

233A Hammond Bldg.

Office Hours:

3:30--5:00 T,Th


Lecture Notes


1. http://astrophysicsblogs.blogspot.com/2009/03/indonesian-space-sciences-technology_06.html

2. https://www.courses.psu.edu/aersp/aersp055_r81/history.html

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Aerospace Industry



In most industrial countries, the aerospace industry is a cooperation of public and private industries. For example, several countries have a civilian space program funded by the government through tax collection, such as NASA in the United States, ESA in Europe, the Canadian Space Agency in Canada, Indian Space Research Organisation and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited in India, JAXA in Japan, RKA in Russia, China National Space Administration in China, SUPARCO in Pakistan, Iranian Space Agency in Iran, and Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) in South Korea.

Along with these public space programs, many companies produce technical tools and components such as spaceships and satellites. Some known companies involved in space programs include Boeing, EADS, Lockheed Martin, MacDonald Dettwiler and Northrop Grumman. These companies are also involved in other areas of aerospace such as the construction of aircraft.




Prof. Earll Murman
Jennifer Lynn Craig
Barbara Lechner

Lean Enterprise Value: Insights from MIT's Lean Aerospace Initiative book cover. (Courtesy of Earll Murman and Palgrave Macmillian. Used with permission.)

Course Features

Course Highlights

A new offering in 2004, The Aerospace Industry (16.812) employs an eclectic pedagogy, drawing together group discussion, invited experts, and reflective journals.

Course Description

This course meets weekly to discuss recent aerospace history and current events, in order to understand how they are responsible for the state of the aerospace industry. With invited subject matter experts participating in nearly every session, students have an opportunity to hone their insight through truly informed discussion. The aim of the course is to prepare junior and senior level students for their first industry experiences.

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.


1. MIT Open Course Ware